Attack and Robbery
Living Through an Attack and Robbery Johannes Adendorff, the author of A Different Plan, recalls the attack and robbery at his family’s farm in South Africa. My father hired a farmhand named Samuel who liked to drink. He’d commonly come to work hungover or drunk. One day, he was so drunk he could hardly walk […]
Forgiveness and a Promise
Forgiveness and a Promise in South Africa Johannes Adendorff, the author of A Different Plan, makes a confession to his parents and finds a new church in South Africa. One weekend, I sat down in my parents’ kitchen, yawning as the afternoon crept on. My work as a programmer was going well, and work was […]
Returning to South Africa
A Broken Country Johannes Adendorff, the author of A Different Plan, returns home to South Africa and realizes that time has slipped by—and the country has changed more than he’d ever thought possible. As I stepped off the plane into South Africa, my homeland, I drew in a deep breath. I’d left America after years […]